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All Internet casinos are located outside the U.S. They are generally licensed in the country they are in and have to report to the local government.

​So far there have been very few problems with licensed casino payouts and deposit security. Many of the jurisdictions require that the licensee post bonds of cash or insurance as part of the license requirements.

​Online casinos are fairer than many people realize. The "house" is happy making the normal profits of gambling. Indeed many of the casinos give better odds because they do not have the overhead of a land-based casino. However, all Internet casinos are not created equal.

There can be no debate that online gambling is a lot different than gambling in a physical casino. In some ways it is better and in some ways it is worse. Read more to find the pros and cons of online gambling compared to gambling in a "real" casino.

​Paying taxes on your winnings depends upon the jurisdiction in which you reside.

Our Ranking System is based upon a complex matrix system whereby points are assigned to different criteria and the criterion is assigned different weightings based upon their relative importance.

​The UKCasino Ranking System is a dynamic approach to casino evaluation and the rankings will change periodically as new information is input into the System.

Every region throughout the world has different laws, and they change from time to time, so we can't really answer that question. To be sure, you should contact your local legal representative to answer any of your questions.